Lenten Message 2025His Eminence Frank Cardinal LeoMetropolitan Archbishop of Toronto
My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
May Jesus and Mary be in your souls.
I am writing to you as we prepare to enter the Holy Season of Lent; a...
Requesting Prayers of Healing for His Holiness Pope Francis27 February 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As you may be aware, Pope Francis has been hospitalized at Gemelli Hospital in Rome where he has been since 14 February. His Holiness is...
Se nourrir l’âme en moins de 250 mots !
Paroisse Assomption de Notre-Dame
Chronique 11
4ième semaine du Carême, année de notre Seigneur 2025Qu'est-ce que le jeûne...
Mangeons et festoyons, car mon fils était mort et il est revenu à la vie
La première chose à faire en écoutant cette parabole de l’enfant prodigue est de comparer l'image que nous...
Qu'est-ce que l'indulgence?
"L'indulgence est une rémission devant Dieu de la peine temporelle due aux péchés dont la culpabilité a déjà été pardonn...
Appel à tous les jeunes adultes de 19 à 39 ans.
Une date à inscrire à votre agenda pour 2025.
Jubilé de la jeunesse organisé par l'Office de la Jeunesse Catholique (OCY) de l'Archidiocè...
Cette courte présentation sur You Tube illustre le parcours et la dévotion de ces jeunes gens vers la sainteté.
1 Pierre 1…15Mais, puisque celui qui vous...
Le HopeLine pour les soins palliatifs
Les services de soins palliatifs sont utiles non seulement lorsqu'une personne approche de la mort, mais aussi pendant les premiers stades d'une maladie.
L'accès aux ressources pour soutenir...
Rosaire pour la Famille
Ce rosaire est conçu pour être prié en famille, avec les...
On Friday, March 28, 2025, Unity Health Toronto announced the appointment of Mr. Altaf Stationwala as the new President and Chief Executive Officer, effective July 1.
Unity Health Toronto is one of Canada’s largest Catholic...
Corpus Christi and the Jubilee 2025
27 March 2025
My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
May Jesus and Mary be in your souls.
I am writing to you in anticipation of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi which will be celebrated this...
Below you will find the listing of clergy changes for the Archdiocese of Toronto. We give thanks for the priests of the archdiocese for their ongoing ministry and care for the faithful. We pray for the newly ordained, all those...
A special image of Mary, chosen by Cardinal Leo, has been delivered to the pilgrimage churches identified for the Year of Jubilee. This image will be displayed prominently in pilgrim churches throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto during this...
Earlier this month, Frank Cardinal Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto invited the Catholic community to participate in the Archdiocesan Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary, taking place on Tuesday, March 25, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of Our Lord.
On Tuesday, March 19, 2025, more than 1,800 guests gathered in Brampton for the 35th Ordinandi Dinner, organized by Serra Clubs of the Archdiocese of Toronto. The annual event brings together the Catholic community to listen to vocation stories...
In early March, Frank Cardinal Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto, had the opportunity to visit the Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary in Scarborough. Cardinal Leo had the occasion to pray vespers together with seminarians followed by a meal and fellowship. It...
The energy was palpable as 880 students from across six Catholic school boards and independent Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Toronto gathered for a special youth event focused on faith, discernment, and vocations. With priests, religious sisters, and lay...
In late February, Cardinal Leo, Auxiliary Bishops and other local Bishops had the opportunity to meet with Ukrainian Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk. In addition to their shared dialogue and discussion of issues of common interest, there...
His Eminence Frank Cardinal Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto recently visited St. Cecilia Parish for their celebration in honour of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. His feast day, commonly referred to as St. Patrick’s Day is...
The Catholic community throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto joins with Catholics worldwide in offering our prayers and best wishes on the 12th anniversary of Pope Francis’ March 13, 2013 election to the papacy. We are heartened by recent health...